Balance Body & Mind
Proper functioning of organs, nerves and glands
Stress has become a common phenomenon world over. It is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Such a psychological distress generates a host of chemical and hormonal reactions in the body. In essence, the body prepares to fight or flee, pumping more blood to the heart and muscles and impair the normal body functions. The American academy of Family Physicians has also noted that the stress related symptoms are most common and nearly two - thirds of the patients who visit the family physicians suffer from it.
It's alarming to note that India also is heading towards becoming the capital of stress induced lifestyle disorders like Diabetes and Hypertension by 2020.
In such a scenario only solaces for all of us is yoga is perfect and practical system of Self culture, which aims harmonious e-growth and development of the body, mind and soul. The path of Yoga is an inner journey to the happiness. Yoga helps in the proper coordination and control of the subtle forces within the body. It brings in perfection peace and an everlasting happiness. The practice of yoga helps to brings total calmness of mind all the times. It ensures restful and peaceful sleep, increase in energy, vigor, vitality, longevity and a high standard of health. It is scientifically proven that the yoga provides effective relief from anxiety and stress. The world will be brighter, healthier and happier if all adopt yoga on their life.
Yoga is the essence of the spiritual and cultural traditions of India, going back to the most ancient times. This greater tradition of Yoga has developed many branches (Jnana/Knowledge, Bhakti/Devotion, karma/work, Hatha and Raja) that cover all aspects of our nature as body, mind and consciousness. This has resulted in various yoga practices such as Asana, Pranayama, mantra and meditation. In all these yoga approaches, there is a common theme of well-being, balance and unitary awareness for the alleviation of all sorrow- and the attainment of the highest happiness and bliss. Yoga is a healing practice in India is closely related to Ayurvedic medicines as India's main natural healing tradition.
Yoga arose as one of the six systems of Vedic philosophy directing us to self-realization, and Ayurveda as one of the four Upavedas or secondary Vedic texts aimed at treating physical and physiological Imbalances.
Modern day life style has brought in many challenges to health and has become a major cause for many aliments among people across the globe. Stress, Improper dietary habits and sedentary living have led to decline in health, performances and leading to cardio vascular diseases, metabolic disorders and even cancer.Can yoga be a panacea for all these modern day problems? A serious of research studies were carried out under the leadership of the author to scientifically evaluate the beneficial effects of yoga for prevention of diseases, promote positive health and ailments.Physiological, biochemical, psychological and clinical variables have been studies revealed that yoga through its effects on automatic nervous system and endocrine system influence cellular and molecular aspects of health in yoga practitioners. It was observed that yogic practice brings stability of autonomic equilibrium along with strengthening of parasympathetic system thereby minimizing the wear and tear in different physiological system slowing down the aging process. Yoga practice results in hypo metabolic state thereby providing greater buffer for stress response. Our studies indicate improvement in physical and cognitive performances, improvement in thermo-regulatory efficiency, body flexibility and stress tolerance. It also strengthens our immunity thereby preventing diseases. Yoga was also found to be beneficial as an adjunct to conventional medical management of hypertension, coronary artery diseases and diabetes.
All beings want to be happy and peaceful. The world has everything except peace of mind. When we have peace of mind, we love humani, we expand and spread our wings. When we love humanity, we are satisfied and happy. There is a spiritual urge in every soul for peace. The soul nature is based on oneness, humility, peace, compassion, love and helpfulness. When we talk of global peace, there should be a peace within the nations. That is possible only there is peace within society. Only peaceful families can constitute peaceful society. Only peaceful individuals can make peaceful families. For that we should create harmony body mind and soul of the individuals. Yoga is the only way to create such harmony and peace within the individuals, family, society, the nation and ultimately peace and harmony all over the world, yoga means union - the union of body consciousness and consciousness with the soul.
Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining the balanced attitude in day - to - today life and endows skills in the performance of one's actions. Thus yoga can bring ecology in nature, peace, love, affection, and harmony in the society.The best way to create peace in the world is to teach individuals and families to be peaceful within their own home.Yoga gives immense benefits to the body, mind and spirit of the individual, the family, the society as a whole and thus creates a world of harmony, happiness, peace and prosperity.
The practice of Yoga is actually a practice of science - Science of body, mind, consciousness and soul. The origin of Yoga lies in India, but its teachings are 100% universal and can be applied to all aspects of our life. Hence the term "Yoga in Daily Life". Theoutset, the practices of Yoga in Daily Life offers prevention from many an illness and diseases, by improving function of internal organ, whilst at the same time freeing the body from muscular tension and improving joint and spine mobility. The Yoga asana cannot be compared with gymnastic or any body - building type exercise. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, Yoga asana are highly effectively in activating the energy centers of the human body, correcting energy imbalances and restoring harmonious function to the endocrine system. The practices also greatly support mental clarity and emotional balance, and when practices sincerely and regularly, Yoga can reveal the way to ones spirituality. Problems arise in the world when human lose their physical or psychic balance, and their spiritual essence. The balance is disturbed by the factors in our environment, the food we eat, lack of appropriate movement and how we use the power of our will.
There is well known proverb: "we are what we eat" That's why Yoga Teaches us to be mindful of the food we eat, since poor food choices affect us not only on a physical level, but on a mental level as well.In addition to eating well and practicing the physical aspects of Yoga, through Self - Enquiry Meditation in the Yoga in Daily life system, we are encouraged to develop mindful awareness of the impact we have upon others in our society and our environment. A caring, responsible human being will have equal consideration for all people and creatures too, and will take steps to actions that will create a sustainable future for our planet. It is through the practice of mediation and contemplation that one becomes more conscious of the fact that everyone and everything is interdependent, and that we are not individuals living in isolation. All that we think and we do have a corresponding affect upon others and the surrounding environment that is why Yoga encourages genuine contemplation of our daily life in terms of the greater good for all. How we use the power of our will determines whether or not we as individuals or the world at large shall heal and become the globe of peace.
Yoga in Daily life offers further help and support by reminding us that we are not alone in our efforts. The divine consciousness that is ever present in people and things become more apparent through the practice of yoga. It is that divine consciousness or supreme power, often simply known as God that directs the power of our will, if we allow it, if we open ourselves to it, if we don't put obstacles, excuses and distractions in the way.
Yoga in Daily life are not only a means to realize one's self, but a means to heal humanity, because of the influence it can impart upon ones wider - environment, benefiting all, Yoga in daily life is simply "be good and live good".Living according to the precepts of maintaining physical and metal balance, and discovering your spiritual essence, you're true Self which is peace, Happiness and contentment Yoga depends upon a special energy and motivation for its proper practice.
This Energy is traditionally called the yoga Shakti or power of Yoga, while like an electrical force endowsus with the ability to develop higher powers of healing and awareness.Yoga Shakti draws us into a more nurturing harmonious relationship with ourselves and with our community.
Key to awakening and directing, this Yoga Shakti is power of mantra or healing sound. Mantra draws the Shakti or energy of speech with in, connecting us to cosmic sound and universal vibratory forces.
Mantra Yoga creates an awareness and sensitivity to one's prana from which our very own prana can become a healing force.
Prana is the universal vital life- force that acts as a catalyst in all our activates and ayamaits controlled, conscious expansion. Indian culture lays great emphasis on prana and the Atrava Veda states, "Prana is the fundamental bases of whateveris, was and will be ".
Scientific research has shown that different pranayama have different psychophysiological effects, pranayama's produces improvement in the neural function at both central and peripheral levels of nervous system.
Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders and can be used as either as a monotherapy or in combination with other aspects of Yoga, such as asanas, kriyas, mudras, bandhas, dharana, dhyana and deep relaxation.
Yoga has become part of both popular culture and our vocabulary, immediately conjuring up certain images of twisted poses and other associations it has also been pushed, in a modern sense, into the field of fitness and exercise. Yet a clear understanding of Yoga, its nature, and its purpose relate little to what is currently popularized as Yoga.
Asanas from yoga has their value, different to exercise and represented refined bodily configurations that affect the neuro- endocrine system.
Yoga is then about an inner process, involving shifts in the automatic nervous system, implying the body and its limbs are more like tools to affect the viscera and neuroendocrine system.
Finally Yoga and meditation are synonymous so one must understand these physical and breathe based practices within the meditative field.
The aim of Yoga is to realize the peace within. Religions show the path but in diversity. Yoga, as the word meaning is, shows the path through 'union'.
Yoga considered the human being as a 'whole' and not in parts.
Yoga traces its origin to the 'Vedas'. 'Vedas' say every human being is made up of five parts but all together into one. At the center remains the "Sole" which is the "Bliss", the source of "peace". This is covered by the layers of body, breath, mind and intellect. The sole science like a globe, Jyoti, which is always 'pure'.
Practice of Dhyana ultimately leads to the realization of the 'Bliss'within, the source of 'peace' and takes one out of pain and sorrow.
Excerpts from yoga teaching from Ministry of AYUSH:
Proper functioning of organs, nerves and glands
Yoga helps in improving circulation and respiration - both essential ingredients for cardiovascular fitness
An aid to digestion
An aid to the endocrine system in maintaining hormonal balance
Strengthening the bones due to weight bearing nature of many of the poses
Increased vitality